3 Step Boat Polish
Hand Wash
Acid Wash
Decalcify Paint
3 Step Compound Polish & Wax
Windows Outside
Powerwash Trailer
Boat Refresh
Hand Wash
Acid Wash
Vacuum Floor/Shampoo Carpets
Clean Compartments
Clean Jams
Dress Molding/Trim
Refreshing Vinyl/Fabric
Clean Windows Inside/Outside
Detail/Condition Covers
*Quotes available for boats over 23 ft.
**Hourly rates available starting at $42/hr (3hr min)

Are you ready? Let's book in your next service!

If you have any questions about our services, packages or are just ready to go ahead and book in your next detailing service... feel free to hit the button below or call us at 705-716-4376.
Let's Book A Service